速報APP / 娛樂 / Love Test Finger scanner Prank

Love Test Finger scanner Prank





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Love Test Finger scanner Prank(圖1)-速報App

Test how strong your love compatibility between you and your partner. Love test finger scanner which allows to scan your thumb and your partner thumb at a time and up on scanning it will display the beautiful animation of showing love percentage between two persons and Random result will be displayed . This app is purely prank for entertainment purpose only and have fun .Do share this app with all lovers and friends on social media and do take time to comment and rate this app

Love Test Finger scanner Prank(圖2)-速報App

Love Test Finger scanner Prank(圖3)-速報App

Love Test Finger scanner Prank(圖4)-速報App

Love Test Finger scanner Prank(圖5)-速報App

Love Test Finger scanner Prank(圖6)-速報App